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Software Testing(QA)

Use GBNextgen single window mobile application testing center to achieve smooth, safe and hassle-free mobile apps. Operating systems and SLA’s to validate the mobile apps before launching it to users. Access range of 150 different handsets within 4 hours. Actual users for user experience and user interface testing within 24 hours. Services offered at our Mobile application testing center.

  • Functional Testing
  • User Experience Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Non Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Design of SLA’s offered under our Mobile Application Testing Centre

Response Time SLA:

  • Knowledge retention
  • Greater Depth of testing
  • 24 * 7 testing
  • Greater user experience
  • Customer retention

Scalability SLA:

  • Actual users for user experience and user interface testing in 24 hours
  • Scalable up to 150 different handsets within 4 hours
  • Turnaround time for new handset addition with testable condition is 3-4 days